Rising to the occasion in your trials

As I asked the Lord what He wanted to say to His body, … this is what He downloaded into my heart….

This is not the end. It is only a beginning. You must press through this in My arms to prepare yourself for what I have waiting for you on the other side. If you moan your way through this, you’ll miss what I’m doing. Stop a moment. Press into Me. There are things you’re doing I didn’t ask you to. I want to show you what they are so you can lay those down and run well in what I HAVE asked you to do right now. Look up. It’ll all turn around at the wave of My hand. But for now, you must look UP. Looking down, all you see is the dirt. Looking up, you focus on My glory, and rise to the occasion, in My arms, carried on My pinions, soaring over this mountainous trial, and out to the spacious place I have prepared for you beyond.

Fear not. I will carry you

You must look UP to rise up. Isaiah 40:31.

Mikaela Vincent
Inspirational author, MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com
Make a difference in the lives of those you care about.

There’s a reason for this trial. Don’t waste it.

What are some things God has led you to do during quarantine to feed your soul and encourage others? Leave a comment. I’d love to hear!

As I asked the Lord what was on His heart today for His body, this is what I felt Him saying:

The days aren’t as bad as they’re going to get. Hold onto Me, and you will feel My powerful shoulders carrying you through this. But bend to the darkness, and you’ll find it like quicksand — just one step could fatefully suck you in over your head.

This time I’ve given you of separation from the world and intimacy with family is to grow you in love, and deepen your faith. It is NOT for indulging in secret sin formerly kept at bay by busyness. It is NOT for listening to the news all day and telling everyone your opinion about it. 

It is for the child playing at your feet. For the wife of your youth finally feeling seen and loved by you as once she felt before. And for the God you profess to worship to finally take first place in your life.

Whatever opinions you have, hold them in until they’ve been surrendered to Me. You see, My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways. Only when you humbly surrender to Me, only when you come up here and let Me carry you, instead of standing on your wobbly opinions, will you see clearly. Only in oneness with Me does your flaming opinion matter.

It must be fueled by Truth and Love, or it is only a clanging symbol.

Exodus 19:4, Proverbs 5:18, Isaiah 55:6-9, 1 Corinthians 13

Come away with Me-only way through-together-Bible studies-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks

For a free guide to knowing God’s voice, visit MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com.

Thankful for this trial

As you tell God all the things you’re grateful for this Thanksgiving, is your present trial on that list? It is in times of hardship that we undergo significant transformation within ourselves for the better. And that is the greatest blessing of all — to be conformed to the image of Christ. Romans 12:1-2.

But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.

Philippians 3:7-11 (niv)

One of the missionary women the Lord led me to mentor came over weekly for counseling and prayer. But on this occasion, just a few days before Thanksgiving, she came angry.

Her family had planned to spend the holiday with close friends, but she had just found out a certain missionary woman she didn’t like would be there also.

“She’ll ruin it!” my friend vented, pacing the room, and spouting off a tirade of things she didn’t like about the other woman.

Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true. Only what God says is true. If your eyes are on your problem, rather than how big your God is; or if your eyes are on how people aren’t doing what you want them to, then you’re looking in the wrong direction.

As I put on soft worship music in the background to help my friend shift her thoughts, I encouraged her to lay down her opinions and ideas about that woman at Jesus’ feet; and then ask Him for His. What does Jesus say about her? That’s what really matters. Only He knows a heart, and only He knew what He was doing when she was invited to Thanksgiving dinner.

A few moments later, my friend looked up, tears glistening in her eyes. “God showed me her pain. She’s been through so much. I can’t wait to put my arms around her and tell her I love her, and Jesus does too!”

In just a few minutes, the Lord had transformed bitterness into joy, anger into love … by giving her His viewpoint and plan.

The enemy had arranged a nasty dissension feast for Thanksgiving that year, but the Lord overcame it with His purposes, and gave those families one of the most beautiful holiday celebrations they would ever know.

The key is surrender. When we lay down our expectations, desires, opinions, judgments, plans, and agendas to ask God for His, He makes something beautiful of what the enemy purposed for evil. Romans 8:28. Especially within us.

What are you facing during the upcoming holidays? Is there anything you’re dreading about the next few weeks? A situation you’d rather avoid?

Lay down your schedule before the Lord, and let Him arrange it the way He desires. Forgive those you hold grudges against, and ask the Lord how you can be a blessing in others’ lives — a channel of love to draw those around you closer to Him and each other.

Don’t waste this trial. Look for what God’s doing, and follow Him there!

If you’d like a deep devotional Bible study to help you remove the barriers to oneness with Christ and others; or if you’re looking for transformational gifts for your loved ones this holiday season, visit MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com. Some suggestions below:

Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder (for her), and Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior (for him): Deep devotional Bible studies with practical, tactical strategies for overcoming the enemy in the battlefield of the mind, and walking as one with Christ and others
Dare to Be a Man of God, and Delight to Be a Woman of God: Deep Bible study workbooks on listening to God, following His lead, overcoming lies with truth, and loving others well
The Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light Christian fantasy series for older children and teens, to help them listen to God, follow His lead, forgive, fight for what matters most, overcome lies with truth, and break free from pride, fear, and other strongholds.
Book 1: Rescue from Darkness, and Book 2: Sands of Surrender.
I Want to See Jesus! (beginning reader)
Out You Go, Fear! (steps to freedom from fear for ages 4-8)
I Want a Horse! (for ages 4-8, when you want something so badly it’s all you can dream about)

Raising Warriors a Culture Apart (Part 7: Parenting from a freed heart)

What I’m going to share with you in this blog today is perhaps one of the most powerful ways God has transformed my heart and made me into the mother my children needed to grow up as more than conquerors.

The Galatians Gauge:

Whenever you feel something negative outside of the love, joy, peace and all the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), get alone with God and ask Him where that comes from, so He can transform you. 

You see, whenever we feel anxious, depressed, angry, defensive, or anything else negative outside the fruit of the Spirit, a lie is usually involved—something the enemy planted in your heart, usually through a traumatic or otherwise difficult experience, to draw you away from intimacy with God and others. John 8:42-47, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Matthew 22:37-40. Those lies and negative experiences become the building blocks for strongholds like depression, anger, selfishness, etc.

What you need to topple those prison walls is a close encounter with the One Whose name is Truth. John 8:32; 14:6, 15-17.

Truth Encounter

  1. Whenever anxiety, self-defense, anger, doubt, stress, or anything else negative outside the fruit of the Spirit comes up in your heart, excuse yourself from the situation as soon as you can, and get alone with God. Ask the Lord to shield and guide that time with Him, and keep away distractions.
  2. Then ask Him, “Lord, when did that reaction first enter my life? Where do those thoughts (fear, vengeance, disappointment, etc.) come from? Take me anywhere You want to take me and show me anything You want to show me.”
  3. He will usually take you to an earlier memory (But just follow His lead if He takes you somewhere else.). Allow yourself to feel what you felt when that happenedYou’re looking for the lies, like, “Nobody cares about me,” “I’m all alone,” “I can’t do anything right,” etc.
  4. Now, while you’re still in that memory, pray, “Jesus, What do You say to that? You were there when that happened. What were You doing or saying?” 
  5. Then look around for Him in your memory, or listen for His still, small voice reminding you of a verse or telling you how much He loves you. Jeremiah 29:13. This is the truth that sets you free. 

Such a Truth Encounter usually takes only a few minutes, but the heart transformation is eternal! When I’m bound by a stronghold, thoughts of judgment, envy, or whatever my issue is, control my reactions rather than the Holy Spirit. But once Truth knocks down those lie-walls, I am free! The enemy may come back again with the same old temptations to react, but now that Truth has set me free, I’m not overwhelmed by those lie-thoughts anymore. I can choose to walk in the Spirit’s leading instead.

If I want to make sure that what I feel God showing me is from Him, I run it through the Three-Fold Sieve in Part 6: 1) Does it agree with God’s Word—all of it, not just a portion? 2) Does it agree with God’s character, especially His love and grace? 3) Does it draw me (and others) closer to Him?

For example, someone with a stronghold of failure may have done or said something wrong as a child. His father or someone else he looked up to might have said, “You can’t do anything right!” Then after several failed tests, relationships, and job attempts, he agrees, “I can’t do anything right!”

That’s a lie because of Philippians 4:13, Romans 8:28, Proverbs 3:5-6, John 5:19, 1 John 1:9, and so many more passages that speak of how we live in God’s strength doing what He leads us to do and we are more than conquerors through His love.

But the enemy loves to confirm his lies, so he brings many more circumstances into our lives to punctuate them and strengthen the strongholds he’s building in our hearts. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Ephesians 6:10-20, John 8:42-47.

Head knowledge and sheer will aren’t strong enough to break free from such negative thought habits and sins that have a “strong hold” on us. We need Someone stronger. John 8:31-32.

The Truth will set you free-spiritual warfare-battle strategies-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks-1

So, how do we help our children to freedom, then?

That’s actually much simpler. Because children don’t have all the barriers adults have against experiencing God and believing His Word.

Whenever our kids were upset about something, we would pray together with them, “Lord, You see our hearts. You know why we’re hurting and what we feel. Take us anywhere You want to take us. Show us anything You want to show us. Do anything You want to do.” Immediately, He would show them just what their little hearts needed, and the crisis was over!

For example, my son was upset one time because I had just gotten home from leading a women’s retreat, and the house was filled with those who had helped me (We were about to debrief.). At the same time, my husband left on a trip. (We work in a dark corner of the world where few have heard Jesus’ name.) Our son, who was nine at the time, was crying because he wanted time in-between trips to just be a family. (He was right, actually. We never did that again!)

I excused myself from my guests, closed the door to my son’s room, and prayed with him as he asked Jesus to “Take me anywhere You want to take me and show me anything You want to show me.” Immediately, the eyes of his heart saw the image of a peaceful forest, with the sunlight streaming through the trees and a beautiful waterfall. Jesus stepped through the light and said to him, “Don’t worry. It’ll be all right. Your father will be home soon.”

Immediately, his heart was calm and he fell asleep! From tears to sleep in just under two minutes! Nothing I could have said to him would have had those results, even if I had said the same thing!

Because I’m not Jesus. My son needed Truth Himself to set him free.

Prayer matters-child-pray-Bible-boy-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks

For more help in leading your children to listen to God, try the tips for parents in the back of Out You Go, Fear! 

Truth to Overcome-Out You Go, Fear!-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks


Raising Warriors a Culture Apart (Part 4: Breaking the Cookie Cutter)

It’s easy as Christian parents to try to press our children into the shape we think they should be.

So they’ll get out there and fight the good fight.

So they’ll slay whatever “dragon” (piano, football, high academic achievement, good-paying job, wise choices, etc.) we always wished we’d slayed.

So they’ll save the world, … or even just be saved themselves.

But what happens when that sweet little one you raised up to know Jesus and to do all the things you wanted him/her to do launches out of the cookie cutter into some other shape your heart wasn’t prepared for?

  1. Love your children and have grace for them. Remember all the ways God has rescued you and brought you to Himself, and then trust Him with your children’s lives. 1 Peter 4:8.
  2. Give your child room to question and explore. Many times, it is the one who resists and doubts that becomes the most passionate of believers once convinced of the Truth. (Look at CS Lewis!) Use your child’s doubts and questions as an open door for Truth to walk through. John 14:6.
  3. Give your child the freedom to make mistakes. Our failures are a great way to learn. Think back on your own life. What has God taught you through your mistakes? Like our 12-year-old said one day to his little sister: “There are two ways to learn. Take mom and dad’s advice, or mess up. Either way you learn. But the first way is easiest.”
  4. Let your children be children. Remember they are still growing, still learning, even as you are. Your ideal of what your child should be may not be God’s, after all. Isaiah 55:8-9. Let them play, pray, learn, and discover God’s purposes for their lives together with Him and with you.
  5. Lay all your opinions, ideas, and judgments about your children at Jesus’ feet and ask Him how He sees them. God did not create this child to right all your wrongs and become what you never had the chance to be. He created them to know Him, love Him, and lead others into His love. Only He knows the many purposes He has for them; only He knows their future. Don’t fight against God’s purposes. Join Him.
  6. Be their safe place. Listen to them. Repeat back to them, “I hear you saying you feel … because…. Is that right?” Acknowledge that their opinions matter. Apologize for any way you’ve contributed to their pain. And pray with them, seeking the Lord for what He says about each situation. (See Part 2: Modeling Listening to God Before Making Decisions.)
  7. Let God change you. The best way to pave the way for your children’s freedom is to be free yourself. (For Bible studies on listening to God’s voice and finding freedom from strongholds, sins, and wrong thought processes that control your reactions rather than the Holy Spirit, try Dare to Become a Kingdom Culture Leader, Volume 1 and Volume 2; or Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior and Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder.
  8. Don’t worry. But do pray. If you’ve given your children into God’s hands, then rest in His sovereignty, love and power to draw them to Himself. Don’t just worry with your eyes closed. Philippians 4:6-7. Truly pray for them: for the veil to be lifted from their eyes so they can see Jesus as He really is, for whatever walls of doubt or pride to come down, for the things of this world to leave them empty and longing for Jesus, and for whatever else God shows you to pray for. Seek the Lord for Scripture to pray over them (a powerful way to agree with God and pray back to Him what He’s already said).

These children God has blessed you with He has placed in your care a short amount of time. In the first few years, they will lean on you like you lean on Him. But when they reach around age 10 or 11, they will begin leaning on someone or something else. Prepare them well to lean on Jesus. (See Part 1: Arm Them Well with the Word.)

If your children have already passed that age and are not leaning on the Lord, all is not lost. Keep praying for them and loving them back into His arms. And let God change you. In the end, it may be the difference they see in your life that draws them back to Himself.

Let God change you-Parents modeling Christ-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks 

Raising Warriors a Culture Apart (Part 3: Modeling Love in Your Marriage)

What would it take to raise a modern-day hero? I don’t mean one with superpowers like Wonder Woman or Superman. … Or do I? Because every one of us who has chosen Christ has within us the greatest power of all (Philippians 4:13):

LOVE. 1 John 4:8, 16.

Love casts out fear (1 John 4:18), overcomes every hardship (Romans 8:28-39), and absolutely ruins our enemies (Romans 12:9-21). No matter what arrows Satan shoots at you, if you stand in Love’s power, you will see victory. Psalm 44:3.

So, it makes sense that if we’re going to raise up these little warriors to become more than conquerors, love is what we need to model loudly and clearly before our children every day.

Moms often have a special measure of God’s superpower to serve. We’re usually pretty good at sacrificially staying up all night with that crying baby, and washing that dirty laundry even if no one thanks us and it ends up all muddy again by evening. We may complain and lose our patience in the process, but we know it has to be done, because that little life depends on us.

But how are we doing with loving our husbands? Because those little warriors are watching us. And husbands, how are you doing with loving your wives?


Choose to love, even when your spouse is unlovely, to bless, even when you’re persecuted. You can’t control how others treat you, but you can choose to let Love control your response.

I was thinking about that this week, as I mentored a group of moms of small children; a couple of them have husbands that can be a bit hard to love. We challenged each other to ask the Lord each morning, “What can I do to bless my husband today?” Then step out in obedience to what God brings to mind. (Whatever God says will agree with His Word and His heart of love. Visit MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com for a free guide to knowing God’s voice.)

Of course, wouldn’t you know that I got sick immediately.

I find God often loves to show how strong He is when I am weak, because I know I can’t do it in my own strength, so I have to surrender completely to Him and depend on His power to empower me. Then He miraculously does what I could never have done on my own. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.

Even now, I’m relying on His power to write this, as I’m still achy, feverish, muddle-headed, and lying down with this flu thing I have…. So, as you can imagine, having the energy to physically do the things God has asked me to do each day of this challenge has cost me. Because my body just wants to lie in bed and groan. But each day, He gives me the spurt of energy to do that special thing to bless my husband, and I’m in awe of this One I love, because He’s just … so … purposeful in the way He teaches us and molds us to be like Him.

You see, burnout happens when you’re doing more than God has asked you to, or you’re doing it in your own power. But when He is the One Whose love and power flow through you to love those around you, it feels effortless because of the joy and peace we feel as His Spirit surges through us when we obey. He accomplishes what we never could have done on our own. 

And it doesn’t matter how the other person responds. That’s not what we fix our eyes on. Just love. Period. In fact, when others respond adversely, that demonstration our children see in us as we love in the face of ungratefulness or attacks is all the louder. Matthew 5:44. 

So purpose to love. At all times in all ways. 

Husbands, I dare you this year, in 2018, to ask the Lord each morning when you wake up, “How can I bless my wife today?” and then step out in Love’s power to do that.

If you’d like some help in hearing God’s voice, living in His power, responding in love, and influencing your children and others to do the same, try the devotional Bible studies, Dare to Become a Kingdom Culture Leader, Volumes One and Two; and Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior. 

Wives, I challenge you in 2018, to daily lay down your past habits of responding to your husband out of judgment, fear, bitterness, self-defense, neediness, distrust … and ask the Lord to transform you.

For daily surrender to the Lord’s plans and walking in His power every moment, letting Him set you free from the things that hold you back, try the 2018 Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Power Planner and Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder devotional Bible study.

Model Matthew 22:37-40 in your marriage in front of your kids, so they will know what true love looks like and rise up to conquer every conflict through the power of God’s perfect love.


Looking for a powerful gift?

If you’re looking for a truly valuable present that just might change lives, try these new Bible studies hot off the press by Mikaela Vincent…

Dare to Be a Man of God (Bible study guide/devotion workbook manual to manhood on armor of God, spiritual warfare, experiencing God’s power, freedom from strongholds, hearing God, radical forgiveness, dating, finding true love, happiness, MV best seller): Powerful Bible Studies for Young Men Today on Listening to God's Voice and Winning Life's Battles (war room worship, breaking free from sexual thought, making wise choices, walking in the Spirit, humility, loving well, Jesus calling, finding a Godly wife)

Dare to Be a Man of God: Deep Bible studies for young men today on listening to God’s voice and winning life’s battles. Available now at www.MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com.

Delight to Be a Woman of God (MV best seller Bible study guide/devotion workbook on drawing near to God, acceptance, dating, loving well, armor of God, spiritual warfare, battlefield of the mind, Jesus calling, overcoming fear, depression, strongholds): Deep Bible studies for Christian single women today on listening to God's voice, walking in the Spirit, unlocking your beauty, and finding true love, happiness and freedom (hearing God, making wise choices, knowing God’s will, breaking free, friendship)

Delight to Be a Woman of God: Deep Bible studies for single women today on listening to God’s voice, walking in the Spirit, unlocking your beauty, and finding true love, happiness and freedom. Available now at www.MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com.

A lot has changed for young people today since the Lord and I originally wrote Dare to Become a Man of God and Delight to Become a Woman of God for my middle schoolers and other spiritual children several years ago. Although those versions are still useful for ages 10-14, older teens and singles today need all the deeper depths with Christ, all the greater freedom, and all the more power to walk in the Spirit, truth, wisdom and purity.

So, the Lord woke me up this past May with plans and layout for six books He completed in six months of long quiet times with Him! There is no way I could have ever humanly done that but for the power of His Spirit and His constant voice writing these for me. The result is all six are available now.

In addition to the two Bible studies for teens and singles in the above photos, He also produced both lined and unlined war room prayer journals to accompany them:

Share these with your family, friends, youth directors, singles leaders, Bible study teachers … and help shape the future of our country and even the world!

A Lifestyle of Fear of the Lord


Fear of the Lord is wisdom.

When you think about God, what do you think of normally? His love? His grace? Do you fear Him? What does that look like?

The Israelites feared the Lord when His presence descended upon the mountain in a cloud, in fire, and in deep darkness. “We will die if we hear the voice of the Lord our God any longer,” they said, and they implored Moses to listen to God for them. Deuteronomy 5:22-32.

Have you ever been afraid of the Lord? That the nearness of His presence might change you into someone you don’t want to be? Or that He will ask you to do something you don’t want to do? Or that if you walk too close to God others will think you’re strange?

It’s a possibility. God had Moses turning water into blood and sticks into serpants. He even glowed. That’s pretty weird. 2 Corinthians 3:7-18.

But being afraid that God will make you feel or do something strange or uncomfortable is not true fear of the Lord. That’s a fear induced by the father of lies who wants you to believe God’s not safe or trustworthy. John 8:42-47.

True fear of the Lord draws you in to the rest and safety of obedience and trust. Psalm 91. In fact, those who walk in fear of the Lord wouldn’t dare make a decision without asking Him what He wants to do first. Proverbs 3:5-7, Luke 22:42. They understand His Sovereignty and are thankful for it. They don’t want to do things their  own way because they know the consequences. Instead, they choose the blessings of walking in oneness with Him. Psalm 115:13, Galatians 5.

So, what would it look like to fear the Lord in your own life?

  • How would you begin your day? Surrender your schedule to Him.
  • How would you make decisions? Ask Him what He wants to do, listen for His answer, obey. Psalm 25:12.
  • How long would your quiet times be? As long as He leads.
  • How would you respond to your spouse, your children, that annoying neighbor, and the people around you in traffic? In His love. Psalm 118:4, Matthew 22:37-40.
  • How would you serve Him? With all your heart. Deuteronomy 10:12.

To know the Lord is to love Him. And to love Him is to obey Him.  John 14:15. And to obey Him is to fear Him. Galatians 1:10.  To fear the Lord is wisdom. Proverbs 9:10.

“Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate His rule with trembling.” Psalm 2:11 (NIV)

“What does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to Him, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 10:12 (NIV)

“The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble.” Psalm 19:23 (NIV)

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Proverbs 29:25 (NIV)

Blessed are those who fear the Lord.” Psalm 112:1 (NIV)

“All I Need Is . . .”

laugh 1

Delight in the Lord!

What would it take for you to feel satisfied with your work, your circumstances, your love life, your relationships, or even yourself?

How many times have you thought, “If I just had such-and-such…” or “If so-and-so would just…”? Then what? Then you’d be happy? Then the work would be done? Then you could finally take better care of yourself or your family, maybe enjoy life more?

Living here on this earth, we’re well-acquainted with lack and limitation. “I can’t because….” But what if you could have everything you need right here, right now? Does that sound impossible?

And yet, Psalm 34:8-10 tells us it’s not. Fear of the Lord is the key according to that passage, but few of us live in such fear of the Lord that we wouldn’t dare make a decision—even a small one—without listening to God. Proverbs 3:5-7. And listening to God takes purposeful intimacy that grows from a deep love for Him and full-hearted surrender to His ways. John 14:15, 1 John 2:3-6, 5:3-4, 2 John 6, Psalm 119:32.

The problem with focusing on what we lack is we miss the fact that we already have all we need. Psalm 90:14, 145:16, Isaiah 55:2, 58:11, Jeremiah 31:14, 31:25. True joy and fulfillment is not found in comfortable circumstances through answered prayer, but in the One Who hears us, loves us and is working all things together for good. Romans 8:28.

What is it you’re lacking? Have you longed for that, prayed for it, trusted God to provide, but still aren’t getting what you feel is so desperately needed? Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 (NIV). Let Christ become your one desire. Delight in Him.

No one gets everything he wants in life, unless his desire is for God; then He most certainly will satisfy him with Himself.

There is no lack, no limitation, with God. His Kingdom and resources are boundless. Matthew 19:26. If you’re feeling needy, don’t just pray for things to go your way. Love the Lord, delight in Him. Seek His Kingdom first, and then let Him be the One to supply all your true needs as He empowers you to walk through trials His way.

Let hearing from the Lord and obeying Him be your true joy, and His felt presence all you need. Matthew 6:33-34, Ephesians 3:16-20, Philippians 4:19.

“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.” Proverbs 14:27a (NIV).

Want to know more about how to recognize God’s voice, feel His presence, bask in His love and delight in Him? Take Delight to Become a Woman of God or Dare to Become a Kingdom Culture Leader into your quiet times.

Cooking with the Best

Praying in faith means tasting and seeing the goodness of the Lord in the midst of every situation and trial.

Praying in faith means tasting and seeing the goodness of the Lord in the midst of every situation and trial.

The Lord was reminding me this past week that “Prayer is not worrying with your eyes closed.”

In fact, when I’m anxious about something or when I feel pressured to have an answer right now, He is often much slower in answering (and sometimes He doesn’t even answer at all!). But when I joyfully hand Him my situations in faith that He will do something awesome (because awesome is Who He is and what He does!), and then lean in close to see where He’s headed so I can go there with Him, His response is most often immediate and even miraculous.

Isn’t that interesting? Philippians 4:4-7.

Sometimes we think that if we use the right prayer recipe, we’ll get just the blessing cookies we want. But it’s not like that. You see, with the Master Chef, “making cookies” is more about the making than the cookies. It’s about being together with Him, listening to His voice and letting Him talk me through the recipe. It’s about enjoying Him and tasting each new “ingredient” along the way. It’s the sweet moments when He adds something unexpected into the batter, or when He cleans up the messes I’ve made and brushes the flour from my cheek. It’s being surprised and delighted at an outcome only the Perfect One could have cooked up. Psalm 34:8.

I hope that encourages you to draw near to Him through whatever trial you’re facing today. To listen to His voice, follow His lead and walk with Him through it all, even if it’s not a path you would have chosen for yourself. Proverbs 3:5-7.

He’s making something beautiful, delicious and inviting out of your life–a fragrance that draws others in to taste and see that He is good. 2 Corinthians 2:14-15, Psalm 34:8. He’s kneading and turning and adding and shaping… And you and everyone around you just might be surprised at the outcome. Philippians 1:6. It may not be what you had imagined He would do. But it is always good. Romans 8:28.

For no matter what He is doing—and He is always doing many things through every circumstance—He is always drawing you closer to Himself.